Healing the Land, Healing Ourselves: The Power of Stewardship and Self-Discovery
Co-Presented by:
Sydney Williams Founder, Hiking My Feelings
Kaitlin Martin Stewardship Programs Manager, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners
Georgie Pongyesva Tribal Liaison, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners
Kristen Buck Volunteer Program Manager, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners
This interactive case study explores the partnership between Hiking My Feelings, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners, and the Hopi Tribe, showcasing how co-stewardship and self-care events enhance community well-being. Together, we’ll delve into the powerful connection between stewardship and self-discovery. Participants will engage in reflective activities and discussions, gaining insights on integrating these principles into their own programs to promote sustainable wellness and conservation practices.