Hiking Your Feelings Scavenger Hunt

Fam, I went down a rabbit hole this morning.

I was updating the website with links of various places you can ​buy the book​, including a directory of Black-owned bookstores, Indigenous-owned bookstores, indies, and of course, the big box stores like Barnes & Noble. I searched for my book on Barnes & Noble, then clicked on "Check Availability at Nearby Stores" and entered every zipcode I could remember, and every city I've ever loved.

I'm not a musician, but I imagine this is what it's like to hear your song on the radio (or out in public) for the first time.

Now that we're seeing the book arrive on your doorsteps and roll out into bookstores and libraries around the country, we thought it would be fun to track all the places Hiking Your Feelings exists now, and where you take the book on your adventures.

We're collecting locations and will showcase them on our website on an interactive map, and to do that, we need your submissions. Fill out the form below to capture your scavenger hunt entries and be entered to win prizes: 



  • Purchase the book and share your proof of purchase

  • Review the book before March 19 for 100 extra entries, March 20-April 11 for 50 entries

  • Upload a photo of the book on the shelf in-store or in the wild to the form below

  • Share a photo of the book on the shelf or in the wild on your social media


  1. Visit Bookshop.org to see if an indie bookstore near you is carrying the book

  2. Visit Barnes & Noble's website to see which stores near you have stock in-store

  3. Google “[YOUR LIBRARY NAME] Suggest a Purchase” or “[YOUR LIBRARY NAME] Purchase Request Form” or search for your local branch on the Libby app!


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