E42: Leave No Trauma with Confluence Collective + musical guest Shane Hall

February Theme: Self-Care is Community Care

February is generally overrun with Valentine's day and all of the societal conditioning that comes with a Hallmark holiday. It's a great time to show others you care, but how often do we show ourselves that same love that we so freely give to others? This month, let's talk about how self-care isn't selfish. Let's talk about how when we show up consistently for ourselves, we can show up more powerfully for the people in our community.

This Week’s Guests

Leave No Trace principle #7 invites us to Be Considerate of Others. But what does that really mean from both its core context and our current historical moment? Amidst civil unrest from all ends of the spectrum, the need to embark on our own personal as well as collective healing demands from us that we face the lessons that history has been trying to teach us for time immemorial and apply them to the time we spend both off and on the trail. Through a mix of personal storytelling and guided exercises, Hiking My Feelings Director of Social Responsibility Gabaccia Moreno and her partners from Confluence Collective will join us to facilitate an open space to begin or continue our personal equity work.


Bri Dostie [she/hers] is an artist and angler living in Maine who dedicates her time to illustrating, writing, facilitating outdoor education with a dose of intersectional mindfulness, and doing work as part of Confluence Collective. (@happy_platypus)

Serene Cusack [she/hers] is a passionate storyteller advocating for diversity and inclusion in the outdoors through her platforms @fattyonthefly and Confluence Collective

Ashley White [he/his] is a father and husband, who spends his time speaking about the power of diversity for his 9-5, while practicing fly angling as his 5-9. (@the_gentleman_lumberjack_)

Gabaccia Moreno [she/hers] is a first-generation Mexican-American outdoor equity advocate, organizational consultant, and multi-disciplinary storyteller #ExploringResponsibly wherever life takes her. (@gabaccia)

About Confluence Collective: Fly fishing has been a space curated by and for white men, and Confluence Collective exists to disrupt: through accessibility initiatives, community collaborations, and storytelling projects, we’re making space for every body on the water.

Access The Presentation

with musical guest, Shane Hall

A soulful accounting of human conditions in a blues-driven Americana style. FEEL is the key ingredient as well as the inevitable result in the experiencing of the ‘Shane Hall” sound.Travel, experience and growth have shaped this artist and the undeniable real honesty that resonates clear and present, resonating with everyone in some way shape or form. Powerful vocals and uniques guitar style are the tools used to express vision and perspective. This whole sonic experience is a product of a lifetime commitment to the creation and performance of music you can feel, and makes you feel.

WINNER: San Diego Music Academy Awards - Best Blues Album 2020 

Listen to the Artists on the Virtual Campfire

Upcoming Events


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