E31: Join the 2021 Take a Hike, Diabetes Challenge!

6,337,600 🎉

(insert happy dance)

Last month we kicked off our Take a Hike, Diabetes campaign with an activity challenge hosted on the Kilter app. The Hiking My Feelings Family showed up in major ways - 75 hikers logged a total of 6.3 MILLION STEPS for Diabetes Awareness Month. We also had 104 people participate in our free 30-day program that helps folks navigate life in mindful, healthy ways.

We are absolutely blown away by your support for this initiative, thank you for your energy here! We hold the vision of a world where diabetes is cured, eradicated, and no longer plaguing 49% of US adults.

Thank you for helping us build momentum for our big audacious goal in 2021:

We are on a mission to hike ONE MILLION MILES for diabetes awareness.

To do that, we'll need your help.

The challenge officially starts on January 1, and we'll be using our November mileage (3200+ miles) as our starting point.

What do we do between now and then?

A big factor of diabetes management is stress reduction, and as we all know, social media can be super stressful if you aren't intentional with how you use and consume it, especially around the holidays.

Join us this month to practice using social media more mindfully. Each week we have a theme, and for anyone who joins our 2021 campaign before the end of the year, we have some awesome prizes to offer from our generous friends, partners, and sponsors.

It's simple to participate:

  1. Register for the 2021 Take a Hike Diabetes challenge

  2. Follow the prompts we post on Instagram on Sundays in December.

  3. Each photo and story you share counts as an entry, so go to town!

NOTE: if your profile is private and you want to participate, DM us a screenshot of your post/stories.

Upcoming Events


E32: Adventuring Safely and Exploring Responsibly


E30: Diabetes in Indigenous Communities with Kelli Begay