What will we be doing during Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love?

Curious about what our 12-week intensive - Blaze Your Own Trail to Self Love - is all about? Class starts on February 20th and we’d love to have you join us for our kickoff call to meet the community, learn about the program, and see our work in action. Here’s what you can look forward to during the program:

Family Meetings

Our Family Meetings are once per week and during the 90 minutes we share together, we'll go around the circle and share about the previous week - the activities, resources, and what came up during the hikes - then we'll jump into the lesson of the week and close it out with a group gratitude circle!

Summit Circles

We also offer the option for you to form smaller groups amongst yourselves for additional support and accountability - those groups meet on your schedule, whatever works for you. Some folks do a group chat, some meet periodically throughout the month, etc.

Office Hours + Moon Rituals

And lastly, each week of the first two months, we'll have Office Hours OR a moon ritual. Office hours will be hosted by Sydney and Michelle Zilinskas (class of 2021), moon rituals will be hosted by Michelle Amy (class of 2020).

Private Social Network

The most consistent support will come throughout the week as we share in the group - this gives us time to read, reflect, and give ourselves a chance to formulate a response instead of reacting to everything as soon as it happens. This is hands down the simplest boundary we can set for ourselves - to check in with ourselves before we respond. It's the ultimate form of self-care and we can practice it hundreds of times per day once we become aware of it!

Program Activities

Each week varies, but we've got the programming divided into three categories: Inspiration, Intention, and Integration.

Month One will be focused on starting the program, developing a self-reflection practice, and finding inspiration in everything we've all been through - individually and collectively - to arrive at this program together. Our signature activity for month one is Trail of Life Maps, which we'll work through together on Sunday and next week during Office Hours!

Month Two is focused on setting our intentions - for our time together, for ourselves, and for beyond the program. Our activities center around assertive (and kind) communication, starting with ourselves. The signature activity of our month of Intention is to create our vision boards. If you've already done a vision board, our process will amplify what you've already been introduced to. If you've never done a vision board before, you'll start off on a really solid foundation through our practice!

Month Three is dedicated to learning how to integrate the learnings from the book and the program into every area of our lives. We'll also take another look at our intentions, the progress we've made so far, and learn about aligning our expectations to our current realities. The final month of the program is when we encourage participants to schedule their 1:1 meetings with me so we can get strategic about how to help you achieve your goals in a way that really lights your soul on fire.

What other questions do you have? 

Ask them below or bring them to our free workshop on Sunday!

On Sunday, February 20, we are hosting an open house for Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love (BYOT).

We run this 12-week program once per year with live facilitation, and it's available any time on demand if self-paced is your jam. Either way, come see the work in action and feel the warm embrace of the Hiking My Feelings Family.

During the open house, you can meet the community, learn about the program, and participate in the first activity of the program, the Trail of Life Self-Reflection Workshop. We will reflect on what we've survived so far so we can draw deep inspiration to help carry us through the next chapter of our lives.

Have questions about the workshop, Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love, or anything else? Let us know in the comments!


How starting over helped Melanie build self-trust.


Keep Showing Up: How Michelle found deep healing and community.