February 20: Free Self-Reflection Workshop!

When you love yourself, you're unf*ckwithable.

Other people's pain, projections and insecurities hold little weight when you're standing in your truth.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

After the past few years we've had, how good would it feel to know you have the tools to take on anything that comes your way?

What does life look like when the things that nearly destroyed you in the past are barely a blip on your radar?

TRUTH: You are loved.

TRUTH: Your story matters.

TRUTH: You are capable of anything you set your mind to.

TRUTH: You can handle this.

Are you ready to come home to yourself in powerful, meaningful ways? Is this the year you turn your pain into power?

Right now is the time.

We see you.
We hear you.
We believe you.
We love you.
We got your back.

On Sunday, February 20, we are hosting an open house for Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love (BYOT).

We run this 12-week program once per year with live facilitation, and it's available any time on demand if self-paced is your jam. Either way, come see the work in action and feel the warm embrace of the Hiking My Feelings Family.

During the open house, you can meet the community, learn about the program, and participate in the first activity of the program, the Trail of Life Self-Reflection Workshop. We will reflect on what we've survived so far so we can draw deep inspiration to help carry us through the next chapter of our lives.

Inspired by the cover of my book, this interactive workshop sets the foundation for the work we do together during BYOT and our Wilderness Wellness retreats and other programs. It is a solid start to a self-reflection practice and you'll walk away with new tools in your toolbox, improved self-confidence and self-awareness, and a bunch of new friends to cheer you on as you take responsibility for your healing.

PS: If you're interested in the full program and need financial support, scholarship applications close on Friday, click below to learn more about the program and apply!

Have questions about the workshop, Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love, or anything else? Let us know in the comments!


Keep Showing Up: How Michelle found deep healing and community.


Happy Birthday, Barry!